Episode 14.1. Bifrost. Daily Quests

Quest Prerequisite(s): Wandering Guardian

1. Bow-wow (97+ LvL).

1.1. Talk to Bow-Wow.

You will be asked to gather one of one of these following items:

1.2. Talk to General Goods Dealer. Receive 1x Mora Coin.

2. Woof-grrr (97+ LvL).

2.1. Talk to Woof-grrr.

You will be asked to gather one of one of these following items:

2.2. Talk to Commodities Dealer. Receive 1x Mora Coin.

3. Elephantine (135+ LvL).

3.1. Talk to Elephantine.

You will be tasked to kill the given amount of one of the following monsters:

3.2. Talk to Hotcha. Receive 3x Mora Coin.

4. Soul Guide (97+ LvL).

4.1. Talk to Soul Guide.

Asks you to find and rescue the souls of people who have gotten lost in the Hazy Forest. There is a small chance that you will not find any coins from the NPC.

4.2. Carefully look at the description of the quest through the list of quests.

  • Tual - 116 40 (Island 2) Receive 3x Mora Coin.
  • Chaihokin - 170 50 (Island 6) Receive 2x Mora Coin.
  • Tazar - 130 100 (Island 8) Receive >6x Mora Coin.
  • Nigel - 100 240 (Island 30) Receive 5x Mora Coin.
  • Messil - 140 240 (Island 42) Receive 5x Mora Coin.
  • Norit - 196 276 (Island 49) Receive 4x Mora Coin.
  • Kunmoon - 285 85 (Island 63) Receive 4x Mora Coin.
  • Pajama Sin - 300 320 (Island 67) Receive 5x Mora Coin.
  • Mendel - 330 280 (Island 74) Receive 7x Mora Coin.
  • Milebit - 330 170 (Island 75) Receive 5x Mora Coin.
  • Mendel is also visible over the ledge from the southeast edge of Island 65
  • Milebit is also visible over the ledge from the northeast of Island 68

4.2 For example, Soul Guide said find NPC Tazar.