1. Visit Mora and speak to Euridi.
2. Now, go to Mora Inn and speak to Pitt. |
3. Then talk to Euridi again. She will ask you to find her 30x Lope`s Clue.
4. When you have the items, talk to Pitt. |
5. Then talk to Euridi. She will take 30x Lope`s Clue. |
6. Then talk to Pitt again. He will give you Lope`s Ring. |
7. Now back to Euridi. |
8. Then speak with Euridi`s Friend, standing next. |
9. We need to find Lope in Bifrost Field 01. |
10. Then talk to Lope again |
11. Go back to Mora and speak with Euridi. |
12. For the final, speak with Euridi`s Friend for the reward. You will be rewarded 10x Mora Coin, 5 000 000 Base exp, 10 000 000 Job exp. |