Skills Database


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Poisoning Weapon (Skill ID#2027 / GC_POISONINGWEAPON)
Max Level 5 Can select no Source
Skill form Active Skill type Supportive Skill Target Caster
Description Poisoning Weapon
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Create New Poison 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Description: Endows the caster`s weapon
with Guillotine Cross`s new poison.
During the duration, the caster`s melee
physical damage is increased +10%
and grants various effects
depending on the endowed poison.
You can also inflict Poison status
on the enemy while physically attacking.

[Lv 1]: 4% Poisoning Chance, Duration: 60 sec
[Lv 2]: 6% Poisoning Chance, Duration: 120 sec
[Lv 3]: 8% Poisoning Chance, Duration: 180 sec
[Lv 4]: 10% Poisoning Chance, Duration: 240 sec
[Lv 5]: 12% Poisoning Chance, Duration: 300 sec
[Paralysis]: Increases Movement Speed.
[Pyrexia]: Increases critical damage by 15% and
Physical damage by 15%.

[Death Hurt]: Recovers 1% of MaxHP per second.
[Leech End]: Grants immunity to Blind and Stun.
[Venom Bleed]: Decreases damage taken from
melee reflected damage by 30%.

[Magic Mushroom]: Decreases After Skill Delay
by 10%.

[Toxin]: Recovers 1% of MaxSP per second.
[Oblivion Curse]: Grants immunity to Silence
and Curse.
Skill Requests
Guillotine Cross Create New Poison (Skill ID#2025 / GC_CREATENEWPOISON) - Level 1
Guillotine Cross+ Create New Poison (Skill ID#2025 / GC_CREATENEWPOISON) - Level 1
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5
SP 20 24 28 32 36