Skills Database


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Crementia (Skill ID#2041 / AB_CLEMENTIA)
Max Level 3 Can select no Source
Skill form Active Skill type Supportive Skill Target Caster and Party Members
Description Clementia
Max Level: 3
Requirement: Blessing 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster and Party Members
Description: Casts Blessing on the caster
and any party members within it`s range.
Blessing effect goes up based on caster`s
Job Level.
[Lv 1]: 3x3 AoE, 120 sec. duration
[Lv 2]: 7x7 AoE, 180 sec. duration
[Lv 3]: 15x15 AoE, 240 sec. duration
Skill Requests
Arch Bishop Blessing (Skill ID#34 / AL_BLESSING) - Level 1
Arch Bishop+ Blessing (Skill ID#34 / AL_BLESSING) - Level 1
Skill information
Level 1 2 3
SP 280 320 360
Variable Cast Time 3000 3000 3000
Fixed Cast Time 1000 1000 1000
Splash Area 3 7 15
Influencing Items
Item ID: 15029 Robe Of Affection