Illusion of Frozen (120 Level +)

Main Quest

1. To reach the Illusion of Frozen map, go to Ice Cave 2nd floor, then head south into a black portal.
2. Talk to Zeith /navi ice_d03_i 155/43
3. They ask you to find 10 Dry Twig from Heaps of Dry Soil scattered accross the map so that you can attempt starting a small fire to melt the ice.
4. The next task is randomized for each time loop. You will be tasked to do any one of these: destroy 10 monsters on the map.
5. Report back to Vrid and Zeith once done.
6. Attempt to break the ice by auto-attacking Zeith many times. Next break the ice around Vrid by auto-attacking him as well.
7. They thank you for releasing them and after a short conversation they start to fade away, ending the time loop.

Daily Quests.

1.1 After completing the main quest for the first time, the quest loop becomes repeatable as a daily quest.
1.2 Talk to Zeith.

Illusion Investigation.

2.1 Talk to Elysia /navi ice_dun02 142/18

The task is to simply kill 100 monsters from that dungeon.

Illusion MVP summoning.

  • In order to summon the , you will need to activate 4 Orb of Seals that are located in the center of the map (The activation process looks like a skill Detoxify). You have 30 seconds to activate all 4 of them. If the MVP is already alive, you will not be able to activate any of the seal.
  • The must always be attacked or be chasing someone. If it is idle, it will use Full Heal almost instantly.
  • If the Orb of Seals are not present, the is currently on cooldown.
  • There is a 8 hours cooldown to spawn the .