Episode 16.2 Heart Hunter War Base


Monster Sprite Name Level HP Race Element Size Base Exp Job Exp Card
Heart Hunter Ebel 110 3m Demihuman Level 2 Shadow Medium 8m 4m Item ID: 27151
30% to inflict Freezing status on attacker when receiving physical attacks.
Base INT at least 110:
Adds an additional 10% chance
Type: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1


1. To get to the Heart Hunter War Base, we need to move north Enbroch /navi ein_fild04 281/333. Talk to Julian.

2. Then talk to Striker Unit Commander

3. When you get to the Heart Hunter War Base follow the Julian.

4. Defeat all monsters to get into the next zone.

5. In the second zone, you also need to kill all the monsters.

6. In the third zone you need activate the mechanism and finish off the last waves of monsters.
- Be very careful if you walk near the mechanisms, otherwise you will receive fatal damage.

7. At the last zone you need to test the power of Heart Hunter Ebel