Episode 13.1-13.2 Ash Vacuum & Into the Unknown.
5. Tripatriate Union`s Fued (70+ LvL)

1. Lets go to the building to the NPC United Research Official. He asks you to speak to the people managing the documents.

2. Speak to Ryosen, he asks you to deliver a Meeting Invitation to Hue, then to Hansenne.

3. Deliver the invitation to Hue, and ask him to sign it. Receive Meeting Invitation.

4. Deliver the invitation to Hansenne and ask him to sign it. Receive Meeting Invitation.

5. Return to Ryosen, he directs you to return to the United Research Official. Receive Meeting Invitation.

6. The United Research Official asks you to check on each of the researchers to make sure they`re preparing for their meeting.

7. Speak to Ryosen, he asks you to retrieve a document from Hansenne.

8. Hansenne tells you he lost the document (Messy File) while playing on the west bridge. He suggests you go fishing.

9. Now let`s get some fish. Walk to the west and find School of Fish. If suddenly there is no more fish, you need to wait.

10. Return to Hansenne, who tells you to take the document to Hue to restore it.

11. Hue requires, to restore the document:

12. After giving him the items, he restores the document and gives you a 1x Neat Report.

13. Return the document to Ryosen, who then asks you to go the United Research Official to wait for the meeting to start.

14. Walk up to the United Research Official, and the meeting begins. The three researchers give their reports, but the meeting is interrupted by the appearance of Thief Bugs, and everyone (including yourself) leaves the room.

15. Reenter the building and kill all of the Thief Bugs, after which the others reappear.

16. Walk over to the United Research Official, and the "meeting" resumes, whereupon Ryosen accuses the rest of tampering with his precious Cake, and an argument ensues, until the United Research Official finally tells everyone to call it a day.

17. Walk back again towards the United Research Official, where you explain that you know Hansenne wasn`t the tamperer, although he took the blame for it.

18. Talk to Hansenne, and he gives you a 1x Arunafeltz Desert Sandwich in appreciation for your caring. He suggests you help Ryosen and Hue get along better.

19. Talk to Hue, who asks you to take the Rune Midgard report to Ryosen, and gives you a 1x Schwarzwald Pine Jubilee in thanks.

20. Hand the report to Ryosen, who realizes he should`ve thanked Hue earlier, and asks you to set up another meeting with the United Research Official. He gives you a piece of 1x Rune Strawberry Cake in appreciation.

21. Talk to the United Research Official, who thanks you for all the work you`ve done, and gives you a 1x First Aid Kit. Receive 400 000 Base exp, 15 000 Job exp.

Exchange of resources for food.

1. Ryosen will give you 1x Rune Strawberry Cake (ATK & MATK +5 for 10 minutes) for every 2x Mystic Horn you turn in.

2. Hansenne will give you 1x Arunafeltz Desert Sandwich for every 2x Peaked Hat you turn in.

3. Hue will give you 1x Schwarzwald Pine Jubilee (HIT +10, Flee +20 for 10 minutes) for every 2x Fur you turn in.