Town Quests. Rock Ridge. Problems in Rock Ridge.

1. Lets go Alberta and talk to Karam Pucci.

2. Then talk to Costello.

3. Then talk to Sheriff Mr. Wyatt Warp /navi har_in01 20/30.

4. Return to Costello.

5. Return to Sheriff Mr. Wyatt Warp.

6. You need to find a train /navi rockrdg1 156/306.

7. Tell them you`re from headquarters.

8. Then talk to Sheriff Mr. Wyatt Warp.

9. Return to main Sheriff office and talk to Sheriff Mr. Wyatt Warp.

10. Then talk to Ivoka Skudi.

11. Go down to the prison and talk to Johnny James /navi har_in01 89/23.

12. Then Talk to Ivoka Skudi.

13. Return to Sheriff Mr. Wyatt Warp.

14. Talk to Shawn McCurdy on central square /navi harboro1 288/193.

15. Shawn McCurdy will be waiting for you /navi rockrdg2 347/216.

16. Talk again to Shawn McCurdy. You need to get one piece of Purple ore.

17. Talk to Shawn McCurdy in the mine again.

18. Talk to Shawn McCurdy again.

19. Go to the main entrance to the mine /navi rockrdg2 279/312.

20. Talk to Albert Ford. Tell him he was betrayed by showing the ore and get the skin.

21. Return to Sheriff Mr. Wyatt Warp.

22. Talk to Johnny James.

23. Return to Sheriff Mr. Wyatt Warp.

24. Shawn McCurdy will be waiting for you /navi rockrdg2 347/216. Talk to him again at the bottom of the mine.

25. Go to the Northern part of the mine and find a box with ore. You will be attacked by 3 bandits - just kill them.

26. Return to Shawn McCurdy.

27. Return to Albert Ford.

28. Return to Sheriff Mr. Wyatt Warp. Receive 12 500 000 Bexp + 6 000 000 Jexp + 200x Rock Ridge Coin + Sheriff`s Left Badge [1] or Sheriff`s Right Badge [1].