Skills Database


Found a total of 1275 record(s) across 64 page(s). Displaying result(s) 361-380.

Battle Chant (Skill ID#369 / PA_GOSPEL)
Max Level 10 Can select no Source
Skill form Supportive Skill type Skill Target
Description Gospel (Battle Chant)
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Faith 8,
Divine Protection 3, Demon Bane 5

Skill Form: Supportive
Range: 7 cells
around the caster

Description: Sings a hymn that will
cause one out of 10 different negative
status effects to enemies and will endow
one out of 10 positive statuses upon
Party Members within this skill`s range.
This skill is cancelled if the caster is
Silenced during the casting of Gospel.
Skill Requests
Paladin Faith (Skill ID#248 / CR_TRUST) - Level 8
Paladin Divine Protection (Skill ID#22 / AL_DP) - Level 3
Paladin Demon Bane (Skill ID#23 / AL_DEMONBANE) - Level 5
Royal Guard+ Faith (Skill ID#248 / CR_TRUST) - Level 8
Royal Guard+ Divine Protection (Skill ID#22 / AL_DP) - Level 3
Royal Guard+ Demon Bane (Skill ID#23 / AL_DEMONBANE) - Level 5
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SP 80 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 100

Raging Palm Strike (Skill ID#370 / CH_PALMSTRIKE)
Max Level 5 Can select no Source
Skill form Offensive Skill type Skill Target
Description Palm Strike
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Iron Hand 7,
Call Spirits 5

Skill Form: Offensive
Description: Strikes an enemy using the
palms, pushing back the enemy and
causing damage, which is determined by
the skill`s level, after 1 second delay.
This skill can only be used during the
Explosion Spirits status.
[Lv 1]: ATK +300%
[Lv 2]: ATK +400%
[Lv 3]: ATK +500%
[Lv 4]: ATK +600%
[Lv 5]: ATK +700%
Skill Requests
Champion Iron Fists (Skill ID#259 / MO_IRONHAND) - Level 7
Champion Summon Spirit Sphere (Skill ID#261 / MO_CALLSPIRITS) - Level 5
Sura+ Iron Fists (Skill ID#259 / MO_IRONHAND) - Level 7
Sura+ Summon Spirit Sphere (Skill ID#261 / MO_CALLSPIRITS) - Level 5
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5
SP 2 4 6 8 10

Glacier Fist (Skill ID#371 / CH_TIGERFIST)
Max Level 5 Can select no Source
Skill form Offensive Skill type Skill Target
Description Tiger Fist
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Iron Hand 5,
Triple Attack 5, Combo Finish 3

Skill Form: Offensive
Description: A combo skill that can be
cast after using Combo Finish. An enemy
hit by this skill is immobilized for a
short period of time.
Each cast requires 1 Spirit Sphere.
[Lv 1]: ATK +650%, Immobilized Chance 20%
[Lv 2]: ATK +800%, Immobilized Chance 30%
[Lv 3]: ATK +950%, Immobilized Chance 40%
[Lv 4]: ATK +1100%, Immobilized Chance 50%
[Lv 5]: ATK +1250%, Immobilized Chance 60%
Skill Requests
Champion Iron Fists (Skill ID#259 / MO_IRONHAND) - Level 5
Champion Raging Trifecta Blow (Skill ID#263 / MO_TRIPLEATTACK) - Level 5
Champion Raging Thrust (Skill ID#273 / MO_COMBOFINISH) - Level 3
Sura+ Iron Fists (Skill ID#259 / MO_IRONHAND) - Level 5
Sura+ Raging Trifecta Blow (Skill ID#263 / MO_TRIPLEATTACK) - Level 5
Sura+ Raging Thrust (Skill ID#273 / MO_COMBOFINISH) - Level 3
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5
SP 4 6 8 10 12
Influencing Items
Item ID: 1837 Iron Nail
Item ID: 18576 YinYang Earring

Chain Crush Combo (Skill ID#372 / CH_CHAINCRUSH)
Max Level 10 Can select no Source
Skill form Offensive Skill type Skill Target
Description Chain Crush Combo
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Iron Hand 5,
Call Spirits 5, Tiger Fist 2

Skill Form: Offensive
Description: A combo skill that can be
cast after using Combo Finish. Tiger
Fist cannot be used after this skill,
although it can be followed up with
Asura Strike.
Each cast requires 1 Spirit Spheres.
[Lv 1]: ATK +200%
[Lv 2]: ATK +400%
[Lv 3]: ATK +600%
[Lv 4]: ATK +800%
[Lv 5]: ATK +1000%
[Lv 6]: ATK +1200%
[Lv 7]: ATK +1400%
[Lv 8]: ATK +1600%
[Lv 9]: ATK +1800%
[Lv 10]: ATK +2000%
Skill Requests
Champion Iron Fists (Skill ID#259 / MO_IRONHAND) - Level 5
Champion Summon Spirit Sphere (Skill ID#261 / MO_CALLSPIRITS) - Level 5
Champion Glacier Fist (Skill ID#371 / CH_TIGERFIST) - Level 2
Sura+ Iron Fists (Skill ID#259 / MO_IRONHAND) - Level 5
Sura+ Summon Spirit Sphere (Skill ID#261 / MO_CALLSPIRITS) - Level 5
Sura+ Glacier Fist (Skill ID#371 / CH_TIGERFIST) - Level 2
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SP 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Influencing Items
Item ID: 1837 Iron Nail
Item ID: 1865 Raging Dragon Fist
Item ID: 18576 YinYang Earring
Item ID: 25800 Champion Stone II (Upper)
Item ID: 29605 Chen`s Memory
Item ID: 29613 Champion Stone II (Upper)
Item ID: 1000181 Automatic Module(Raging Combo)

Indulge (Skill ID#373 / PF_HPCONVERSION)
Max Level 5 Can select no Source
Skill form Active Skill type Supportive Skill Target Caster
Description Indulge
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Increase SP Recovery 1,
Magic Rod 1

Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Description: Consumes an amount of
HP equal to 10% of MaxHP to restore
an SP amount determined by
the skill`s level.

[Lv 1]: SP +10%
[Lv 2]: SP +20%
[Lv 3]: SP +30%
[Lv 4]: SP +40%
[Lv 5]: SP +50%
Skill Requests
Professor Increase SP Recovery (Skill ID#9 / MG_SRECOVERY) - Level 1
Professor Magic Rod (Skill ID#276 / SA_MAGICROD) - Level 1
Sorcerer+ Increase SP Recovery (Skill ID#9 / MG_SRECOVERY) - Level 1
Sorcerer+ Magic Rod (Skill ID#276 / SA_MAGICROD) - Level 1
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5
SP 1 2 3 4 5

Soul Exhale (Skill ID#374 / PF_SOULCHANGE)
Max Level 1 Can select no Source
Skill form Active Skill type Supportive Skill Target 1 Character
Description Soul Change
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Magic Rod 3, Spell Breaker 2
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: 1 Character
Description: Exchanges caster`s
remaining SP with target`s remaining
SP. The SP that the caster receives
cannot exceed the caster`s MaxSP limit.
Skill Requests
Professor Magic Rod (Skill ID#276 / SA_MAGICROD) - Level 3
Professor Spell Breaker (Skill ID#277 / SA_SPELLBREAKER) - Level 2
Sorcerer+ Magic Rod (Skill ID#276 / SA_MAGICROD) - Level 3
Sorcerer+ Spell Breaker (Skill ID#277 / SA_SPELLBREAKER) - Level 2
Skill information
Level 1
Range 9
SP 5
Fixed Cast Time 3000

Soul Siphon (Skill ID#375 / PF_SOULBURN)
Max Level 5 Can select no Source
Skill form Active Skill type Magical Skill Target 1 Character
Description Soul Burn
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Cast Cancel 5,
Magic Rod 3, Dispell 3

Skill Form: Active
Type: Magical
Target: 1 Character
Description: Casts a spell that has the
chance of draining the target`s SP. At
level 5, this skill will also inflict
an amount of damage equal to double
of the caster`s remaining SP. However,
if this skill fails, this damage will
be received by the caster. Soul Burn is
only enabled in WoE and PvP maps, and
has a 15 second delay after each use.

[Lv 1]: 40% Success Rate
[Lv 2]: 50% Success Rate
[Lv 3]: 60% Success Rate
[Lv 4]: 70% Success Rate
[Lv 5]: 70% Success Rate
Skill Requests
Professor Cast Cancel (Skill ID#275 / SA_CASTCANCEL) - Level 5
Professor Magic Rod (Skill ID#276 / SA_MAGICROD) - Level 3
Professor Dispell (Skill ID#289 / SA_DISPELL) - Level 3
Sorcerer+ Cast Cancel (Skill ID#275 / SA_CASTCANCEL) - Level 5
Sorcerer+ Magic Rod (Skill ID#276 / SA_MAGICROD) - Level 3
Sorcerer+ Dispell (Skill ID#289 / SA_DISPELL) - Level 3
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5
Range 9 9 9 9 9
SP 80 90 100 110 120

Advanced Katar Mastery (Skill ID#376 / ASC_KATAR)
Max Level 5 Can select no Source
Skill form Passive Skill type Skill Target
Description Advanced Katar Mastery
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Double Attack 5,
Katar Mastery 7

Skill Form: Passive
Description: Enhances damage inflicted
with Katar class weapons.

[Lv 1]: Damage +12%
[Lv 2]: Damage +14%
[Lv 3]: Damage +16%
[Lv 4]: Damage +18%
[Lv 5]: Damage +20%
Skill Requests
Assassin Cross Double Attack (Skill ID#48 / TF_DOUBLE) - Level 5
Assassin Cross Katar Mastery (Skill ID#134 / AS_KATAR) - Level 7
Guillotine Cross+ Double Attack (Skill ID#48 / TF_DOUBLE) - Level 5
Guillotine Cross+ Katar Mastery (Skill ID#134 / AS_KATAR) - Level 7
Influencing Items
Item ID: 310189 Assassin Cross Stone II (Lower)
Item ID: 1000224 Assassin Cross Stone II (Lower)

Enchant Deadly Poison (Skill ID#378 / ASC_EDP)
Max Level 5 Can select no Source
Skill form Active Skill type Supportive Skill Target Caster
Description Enchant Deadly Poison
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Create Deadly Poison 1
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Description: Enchants equipped Weapon
with deadly poison to enhance it`s
damage and poison targets by chance,
causing the target`s HP to
dramatically decrease for the Poison`s
Consumes 1 Poison Bottle.
Skill Requests
Assassin Cross Create Deadly Poison (Skill ID#407 / ASC_CDP) - Level 1
Guillotine Cross+ Create Deadly Poison (Skill ID#407 / ASC_CDP) - Level 1
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5
SP 60 70 80 90 100
Influencing Items
Item ID: 29322 Racing(Guillotine Cross) 1Lv
Item ID: 29323 Racing(Guillotine Cross) 2Lv
Item ID: 29324 Racing(Guillotine Cross) 3Lv

Soul Destroyer (Skill ID#379 / ASC_BREAKER)
Max Level 10 Can select no Source
Skill form Active Skill type Physical Ranged Skill Target 1 Character
Description Soul Destroyer
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Double Attack 5,
Envenom 5, Cloaking 3, Enchant Poison 6

Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Description: A ranged attack to
a target, which inflicts ranged physical damage
and can also deal critical damage at half of
caster`s Critical chance. The damage is further
increased based on the caster`s
Base Level, STR and INT.
[Lv 1]: ATK 150%
[Lv 2]: ATK 300%
[Lv 3]: ATK 450%
[Lv 4]: ATK 600%
[Lv 5]: ATK 750%
[Lv 6]: ATK 900%
[Lv 7]: ATK 1050%
[Lv 8]: ATK 1200%
[Lv 9]: ATK 1350%
[Lv 10]: ATK 1500%
Skill Requests
Assassin Cross Double Attack (Skill ID#48 / TF_DOUBLE) - Level 5
Assassin Cross Cloaking (Skill ID#135 / AS_CLOAKING) - Level 3
Assassin Cross Enchant Poison (Skill ID#138 / AS_ENCHANTPOISON) - Level 6
Assassin Cross Envenom (Skill ID#52 / TF_POISON) - Level 5
Guillotine Cross+ Double Attack (Skill ID#48 / TF_DOUBLE) - Level 5
Guillotine Cross+ Cloaking (Skill ID#135 / AS_CLOAKING) - Level 3
Guillotine Cross+ Enchant Poison (Skill ID#138 / AS_ENCHANTPOISON) - Level 6
Guillotine Cross+ Envenom (Skill ID#52 / TF_POISON) - Level 5
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Range 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
SP 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Variable Cast Time 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
Fixed Cast Time 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
Influencing Items
Item ID: 15039 Nab`s Cloth
Item ID: 20800 Enforcer Cape
Item ID: 28765 Judgement Slasher
Item ID: 29596 Eremes`s Memory
Item ID: 310191 Assassin Cross Stone II (Upper)
Item ID: 1000166 Automatic Module(Berserk Slash)
Item ID: 1000222 Assassin Cross Stone II (Upper)

Falcon Eyes (Skill ID#380 / SN_SIGHT)
Max Level 10 Can select no Source
Skill form Active Skill type Supportive Skill Target Caster
Description True Sight
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Owl`s Eye 10,
Vulture`s Eye 10,
Improve Concentration 10,
Falconry Mastery 1

Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Description: Adds +5 to all Stats, as
well as increases HIT, Weapon
damage and Critical rate.
[Lv 1]: HIT +3%, Damage +2%, Critical +1
[Lv 2]: HIT +6%, Damage +4%, Critical +2
[Lv 3]: HIT +9%, Damage +6%, Critical +3
[Lv 4]: HIT +12%, Damage +8%, Critical +4
[Lv 5]: HIT +15%, Damage +10%, Critical +5
[Lv 6]: HIT +18%, Damage +12%, Critical +6
[Lv 7]: HIT +21%, Damage +14%, Critical +7
[Lv 8]: HIT +24%, Damage +16%, Critical +8
[Lv 9]: HIT +27%, Damage +18%, Critical +9
[Lv 10]: HIT +30%, Damage +20%, Critical +10
Skill Requests
Sniper Owl`s Eye (Skill ID#43 / AC_OWL) - Level 10
Sniper Vulture`s Eye (Skill ID#44 / AC_VULTURE) - Level 10
Sniper Improve Concentration (Skill ID#45 / AC_CONCENTRATION) - Level 10
Sniper Falconry Mastery (Skill ID#127 / HT_FALCON) - Level 1
Ranger+ Owl`s Eye (Skill ID#43 / AC_OWL) - Level 10
Ranger+ Vulture`s Eye (Skill ID#44 / AC_VULTURE) - Level 10
Ranger+ Improve Concentration (Skill ID#45 / AC_CONCENTRATION) - Level 10
Ranger+ Falconry Mastery (Skill ID#127 / HT_FALCON) - Level 1
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SP 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 35 40 40
Influencing Items
Item ID: 19111 Laser of Eagle
Item ID: 310002 Sniper Stone II (Lower)
Item ID: 1000010 Sniper Stone II (Lower)

Falcon Assault (Skill ID#381 / SN_FALCONASSAULT)
Max Level 5 Can select no Source
Skill form Active Skill type Special Physical Ranged Skill Target 1 Character
Description Falcon Assault
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Vulture`s Eye 5,
Falconry Mastery 1, Blitz Beat 5, Steel Crow 3

Skill Form: Active
Type: Special Physical Ranged
Target: 1 Character
Description: Commands Falcon to attack
an enemy with an mighty strike.
Damage increases according to skill level
and caster`s Base Level.
Skill Requests
Sniper Steel Crow (Skill ID#128 / HT_STEELCROW) - Level 3
Sniper Vulture`s Eye (Skill ID#44 / AC_VULTURE) - Level 5
Sniper Blitz Beat (Skill ID#129 / HT_BLITZBEAT) - Level 5
Sniper Falconry Mastery (Skill ID#127 / HT_FALCON) - Level 1
Ranger+ Steel Crow (Skill ID#128 / HT_STEELCROW) - Level 3
Ranger+ Vulture`s Eye (Skill ID#44 / AC_VULTURE) - Level 5
Ranger+ Blitz Beat (Skill ID#129 / HT_BLITZBEAT) - Level 5
Ranger+ Falconry Mastery (Skill ID#127 / HT_FALCON) - Level 1
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5
Range 9 9 9 9 9
SP 30 34 38 42 46
Variable Cast Time 500 500 500 500 500
Fixed Cast Time 500 500 500 500 500
Influencing Items
Item ID: 18985 Falconer Flute
Item ID: 28322 Falconer Glove

Focused Arrow Strike (Skill ID#382 / SN_SHARPSHOOTING)
Max Level 5 Can select no Source
Skill form Active Skill type Physical Ranged Skill Target Enemy and enemies near it
Description Sharp Shooting
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Double Strafe 5,
Improve Concentration 10

Skill Form: Active
Type: Physical Ranged
Target: Enemy and enemies near it
Skill range: 11
Description: When aiming at a single target,
it strikes hard, dealing long-range
physical damage to the target and
the target within 5x5 cells.
In addition, critical damage is dealt
with a 50% chance, adding to the caster`s
critical probability.
However, in the case of critical damage,
half of the total amount of the
critical damage increase is applied
[Lv.1]: ATK +600%
[Lv.2]: ATK +900%
[Lv.3]: ATK +1200%
[Lv.4]: ATK +1500%
[Lv.5]: ATK +1800%
Skill Requests
Sniper Improve Concentration (Skill ID#45 / AC_CONCENTRATION) - Level 10
Sniper Double Strafe (Skill ID#46 / AC_DOUBLE) - Level 5
Ranger+ Improve Concentration (Skill ID#45 / AC_CONCENTRATION) - Level 10
Ranger+ Double Strafe (Skill ID#46 / AC_DOUBLE) - Level 5
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5
Range 11 11 11 11 11
SP 16 18 20 22 24
Variable Cast Time 500 500 500 500 500
Fixed Cast Time 500 500 500 500 500
Splash Area 2 2 2 2 2
Influencing Items
Item ID: 1745 Falken Blitz

Wind Walker (Skill ID#383 / SN_WINDWALK)
Max Level 10 Can select no Source
Skill form Active Skill type Supportive Skill Target Caster and Party Members
Description Wind Walk
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Improve Concentration 9
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster and Party Members
Description: Increases Movement Speed
and FLEE rate of yourself and party
members. However, Movement Speed will
not increased if a similar effect, such
as Increase Agility, has already been
cast. Skills which decrease Movement
Speed, such as Quagmire, cancel the
Movement Speed increase from Wind
Skill Requests
Sniper Improve Concentration (Skill ID#45 / AC_CONCENTRATION) - Level 9
Ranger+ Improve Concentration (Skill ID#45 / AC_CONCENTRATION) - Level 9
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SP 46 52 58 64 70 76 82 88 94 100
Variable Cast Time 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 3300 3600 3900 4200
Fixed Cast Time 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
Splash Area -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Influencing Items
Item ID: 18891 Husky Hat
Item ID: 25416 Ranger Stone (Garment)
Item ID: 29431 Ranger Stone (Garment)
Item ID: 310000 Sniper Stone II (Upper)
Item ID: 1000008 Sniper Stone II (Upper)

Shattering Strike (Skill ID#384 / WS_MELTDOWN)
Max Level 10 Can select no Source
Skill form Active Skill type Supportive Skill Target Caster
Description Meltdown (Shattering Strike)
Max Level: 10
Requirement: Skin Tempering 3,
Hilt Binding 1, Weaponry Research 5,
Power Thrust 3

Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Description: This skill has the chance
of destroying an equipped Weapon or
Armor when used in PvP zone on other
players, or to decrease Attack Power or
Defense when used on monsters. This
skill`s level affects it`s duration and
rate of success.

[Lv 1]: Lasts 15 seconds
[Lv 2]: Lasts 20 seconds
[Lv 3]: Lasts 25 seconds
[Lv 4]: Lasts 30 seconds
[Lv 5]: Lasts 35 seconds
[Lv 6]: Lasts 40 seconds
[Lv 7]: Lasts 45 seconds
[Lv 8]: Lasts 50 seconds
[Lv 9]: Lasts 55 seconds
[Lv 10]: Lasts 60 seconds
Skill Requests
Whitesmith Skin Tempering (Skill ID#109 / BS_SKINTEMPER) - Level 3
Whitesmith Hilt Binding (Skill ID#105 / BS_HILTBINDING) - Level 1
Whitesmith Weaponry Research (Skill ID#107 / BS_WEAPONRESEARCH) - Level 5
Whitesmith Power-Thrust (Skill ID#113 / BS_OVERTHRUST) - Level 3
Mechanic+ Skin Tempering (Skill ID#109 / BS_SKINTEMPER) - Level 3
Mechanic+ Hilt Binding (Skill ID#105 / BS_HILTBINDING) - Level 1
Mechanic+ Weaponry Research (Skill ID#107 / BS_WEAPONRESEARCH) - Level 5
Mechanic+ Power-Thrust (Skill ID#113 / BS_OVERTHRUST) - Level 3
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SP 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90
Fixed Cast Time 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 10

Create Coins (Skill ID#385 / WS_CREATECOIN)
Max Level 1 Can select no Source
Skill form Skill type Skill Target
Description Coin Craft
Skill information
Level 1
SP 10

Create Nuggets (Skill ID#386 / WS_CREATENUGGET)
Max Level 1 Can select no Source
Skill form Skill type Skill Target
Description Nugget Craft
Skill information
Level 1
SP 10

Cart Boost (Skill ID#387 / WS_CARTBOOST)
Max Level 1 Can select no Source
Skill form Supportive Skill type Skill Target
Description Cart Boost
Max Level: 1
Requirement: Push Cart 5, Hilt Binding 1,
Cart Revolution, Change Cart

Skill Form: Supportive
Description: Increases Movement Speed
when a Pushcart is equipped. Effect
which decrease movement speed cannot
interfere with this skill.
Skill Requests
Whitesmith Pushcart (Skill ID#39 / MC_PUSHCART) - Level 5
Whitesmith Cart Revolution (Skill ID#153 / MC_CARTREVOLUTION) - Level 1
Whitesmith Change Cart (Skill ID#154 / MC_CHANGECART) - Level 1
Whitesmith Hilt Binding (Skill ID#105 / BS_HILTBINDING) - Level 1
Mechanic+ Pushcart (Skill ID#39 / MC_PUSHCART) - Level 5
Mechanic+ Cart Revolution (Skill ID#153 / MC_CARTREVOLUTION) - Level 1
Mechanic+ Change Cart (Skill ID#154 / MC_CHANGECART) - Level 1
Mechanic+ Hilt Binding (Skill ID#105 / BS_HILTBINDING) - Level 1
Skill information
Level 1
SP 20
Influencing Items
Item ID: 24304 Genetic Shadow Shield
Item ID: 29319 Racing(Geneticist) 1Lv
Item ID: 29320 Racing(Geneticist) 2Lv
Item ID: 29321 Racing(Geneticist) 3Lv
Item ID: 29353 Racing(Super Novice) 2Lv
Item ID: 29354 Racing(Super Novice) 3Lv

Auto Attack System (Skill ID#388 / WS_SYSTEMCREATE)
Max Level 5 Can select no Source
Skill form Skill type Skill Target
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5
Range 9 9 9 9 9
SP 40 40 40 40 40

Stealth (Skill ID#389 / ST_CHASEWALK)
Max Level 5 Can select no Source
Skill form Active Skill type Supportive Skill Target Caster
Description Chase Walk (Stealth)
Max Level: 5
Requirement: Hiding 5, Tunnel Drive 3
Skill Form: Active
Type: Supportive
Target: Caster
Description: Enters a special Hiding
status in which caster can move without
being detected by skills. However, the
caster will leave footprints and can be
damaged by skills that target the
ground. Ineffective against Insect,
Demon and Boss monsters. During WoE,
this skill will consume 5 times as
much SP.
[Lv 1]: 70% Movement Speed,
12 SP/10 sec, +1 STR after 10 seconds.

[Lv 2]: 75% Movement Speed,
14 SP/10 sec, +2 STR after 10 seconds.

[Lv 3]: 80% Movement Speed,
16 SP/10 sec, +4 STR after 10 seconds.

[Lv 4]: 85% Movement Speed,
18 SP/10 sec, +8 STR after 10 seconds.

[Lv 5]: 90% Movement Speed,
20 SP/10 sec, +16 STR after 10 seconds.
Skill Requests
Stalker Hiding (Skill ID#51 / TF_HIDING) - Level 5
Stalker Stalk (Skill ID#213 / RG_TUNNELDRIVE) - Level 3
Shadow Chaser+ Hiding (Skill ID#51 / TF_HIDING) - Level 5
Shadow Chaser+ Stalk (Skill ID#213 / RG_TUNNELDRIVE) - Level 3
Skill information
Level 1 2 3 4 5
SP 10 10 10 10 10
Variable Cast Time 500 500 500 500 500
Fixed Cast Time 500 500 500 500 500

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